Shipping Spurgeon’s Calvinism 03.19.14

In the last update I posted I told you how I was waiting on the shipment of books. I just looked at the Purolator website, and I can see that the books are now in my area and they will be arriving to me here either today or tomorrow. So that is finally some good news. Unfortunately there is some bad news to accompany that good news, I have to go on a short trip out of the country from Friday till Tuesday. None of this has gone the way I had hoped and I feel terrible. I promise you that the books will be shipped to you by 03.19.14. If you feel like you don’t want the book anymore and want a refund, please send me an email. I want to be fully transparent by telling you the truth of where the books are and when they will be shipped.

We’ll be in touch soon and Lord-willing you’ll see the books arriving by the end of the month!

Grace and peace,

UPDATE: Spurgeon’s Calvinism Book Shipment

Final version of cover that the publishers sent to get print!

Final version of cover that the publishers sent to get print!

First of all, I want to give my sincere thanks to everyone who purchased an early copy Spurgeon’s Calvinism to raise some more funds for this film. We’re getting closer to our goal and that’s an exciting thing as we plan to  film this September.

My goal was to have the books sent off this week, however we ran into a hiccup. There was a storm that went through the East Coast early last week that caused the printers to not end up printing all the books (apparently none of them came into work, it was that bad) when they were scheduled to be. We ended up missing two days there which caused the books to only be printed this past Wednesday. They were then shipped to me Thursday and I am expecting to see them early next week. My wife and I are working on all the labels and writing down each address for the book packages so as soon as the books are in my hand, I will be able to sign them and ship them off.

I am very sorry for the delay and any problems this might have caused. If you for some reason don’t think you will receive the book in time, please contact me and we can figure something out.

One last thing. Because I will be shipping the books a few days later than I originally had hoped, I will be pushing the official launch date of the book to the public back the same amount of time.

Once again, I am so thankful for each and every one of you who purchased this book and supported Through the Eyes of Spurgeon. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts and read your reviews for Spurgeon’s Calvinism.



A Step (Leap?) of Faith

shutterstock_137505623I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! It’s been a while since I’ve taken to the blog here. I want to give you all a bit of an update on how things are progressing.

Since last posting we’ve solidified the schedule some more. There are lots of tiny details that go into a project like this, so it’s important that we meticulously go through each detail. Our initial plan was to film in England, France, Scotland, and Switzerland for 16 days. We’ve taken a step of faith and have increased the length of our trip almost a full week. In doing so we’ve also added Ireland to our itinerary. Some of Spurgeon’s direct descendants live in Dublin and our hope is to interview them and while there document some of Spurgeon’s travels to the island. We’ve also extended our trip to France so we can spend more time in Menton and surrounding areas where Spurgeon spent a great deal of time.

In addition, we’ve partnered with a film company based out of Toronto, Canada. We are very excited about this as they will ensure production of the best Spurgeon documentary possible. We will be filming almost the entire month of September and would appreciate your prayers as we continue with our planning.

So what does this step of faith mean?

We’ve  increased our budget as we have started booking the necessary flights, accommodations, trains, etc. Please note, this is not a extravagant trip for us – we are keeping costs as low as possible. This means booking the least expensive hotels in the modest areas. It means buying milk and cereal so we can save on breakfast each morning. My heart’s desire is to see this documentary done well and done right. I believe the steps we’ve taken will help us make an extraordinary documentary that will bless many Christians and non-Christians around the world.

Will you help us fund the last leg of Through the Eyes of Spurgeon?


Now begins the exciting part!

561609_419300348137238_1831074095_nWe managed to raise $11,343 for the making of Through the Eyes of Spurgeon! Thank you all for your support!

Now begins the exciting part! Over the next couple weeks I’ll be sending out the book and manuscript rewards. I’ll be sending out surveys right away to get applicable shipping addresses, exclusive Facebook group invites, etc. Everyone should receive them in time for Christmas, if you have any questions please send me a message.

We’ve launched a website for the documentary that you can find here. We’ll be posting our updates on the project there from now on. Also be sure to like the corresponding Facebook page for the documentary.

Grace and peace be with you all! And for my friends in the USA – Happy Thanksgiving!


We did it!


Thank you ALL so much for your support in making this a reality. We’ve made the minimum of $10,000 needed to make the film. From your financial support to your sharing on Facebook and Twitter and your prayers, this was a joint effort.

I’m very excited to share Through the Eyes of Spurgeon with you all. Just a reminder if we hit our stretch goal of $17,500 then EVERY BACKER will receive a high quality photo booklet from the Spurgeon locations we visit. Each picture will be captioned and documented so you can easily refer to the pictures with your friends, family and churches.

Thank you all once again. May God be glorified in this endeavour.

Grace and peace,


Originally posted here.


Where will we be going?


Hey everyone! Thank you to those who have already backed this project. And thank you everyone for your help getting the word out on Facebook and Twitter.

In order to make this documentary we need $10,000. Kickstarter is an ALL or NOTHING fundraising platform. This means that if we don’t receive our fundraising target, then we won’t be able to make the documentary.

That said, I want to give you a little sneak peak of the Spurgeon locations we will be visiting. This is just a brief list, there is much more. I’ve put in a lot of time gathering phone numbers, people to contact and things to see to make the most of the time in these locations. Enjoy!

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